Are you ready to Re-activate Your Creativity?
Creativity is wonderful… until mental blocks arrive, the demands of others and anxiety, sadness and frustration take over our existence.
Through my coaching and mentoring, you will be able to connect with your being, release mental blocks that are stopping you from creating, and re-activate your creativity.
With thousands of hours of coaching, multiple coaching certifications, and extensive experience in the world of creation (administrative and commercial), I can help you connect with your passions to leave a memorable legacy.
A warning… the process can be challenging but I assure you that it is enlightening and fun.
It is an out of this world process.

Do you want to book a call to design your new flight map?
With over 10 years of experience in the Yoga and holistic industry, Anadel inspires, motivates and guides people around the world helping them break free from toxic situations and thoughts, through customized development programs, workshops and coaching.

LAFstyle, LLC
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