Growing up in the Dominican Republic I wasn’t used to celebrating Thanksgiving day, until I moved to the states 14+ years ago. And although I completely love the concept of this celebration, I do have to say that it is important to remember to be thankful every single day of our lives.

I have been blessed to have an amazing family, good health and nothing but love and support from those around me. Every day I am grateful for them and, I admit it, exercising gratitude takes time and consistency, but I assure you it is extremely worthy.

Thankful LAFStyle Thanksgiving2_AAlberti

Practicing gratefulness is linked to having better health, improved emotions, a biochemical shift in the body and of course, it is known to cause happiness! Who wouldn’t want all these things in their lives?

As you live your day to day, notice what surrounds you, the air that you breathe, the food that you eat, the people around you, and give thanks to having them in your life. Appreciate every moment, allow life to guide you, take time to listen, release all your fears, be of service, live and let live, live in constant appreciation.

Instill gratitude in your children, and in those around you. Be an example to others, and most importantly, be grateful for being alive, for your body, for your heart. Take time for yourself, thank God, the Universe, write down at least 3 things that you are grateful for every day, and you will see how open, free, and happy you will feel.

As my 90 year old yoga instructor always tells me, “the past is history, the future is a mystery the present is a GIFT, that’s why it’s called the PRESENT.” Be present, be thankful for that gift, and be humble and open to every other gift in your life.

Thank YOU for reading this, for being part of this journey, I am deeply grateful for that.

Wishing you and all your loved ones a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving.

With much love and gratitude,
